the little thingsthe little thingsthe little thingsthe little thingsthe little things

December 30, 2011

I Am No Longer A Teenager.

Yesterday was my birthday! It was such a great day entirely. I spent the early hours of my birthday with my girl friends, who counted down the minutes until my big day. It was great being with them when the clock struck 12 and getting chocolate icing in my hair and face, also while listing to the Dixie Chicks. Okay, it wasn't so fun getting icing in my hair, but at least it tasted good. Right? Then I went out on a mini shopping spree with one of the bests. For dinner I had my fav, meatloaf. I love that stuff. Thanks to a special boy who made it specially for me. Back at home with my parents and brothers my mom bought me my favorite cake in the world, Stephanie's Red Velvet Cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. OHMYGOD! I just love that cake, if you have never tried it before, you must. Right. Now. It is that good. I then caught the latest Sherlock Holmes, which was fantastic. I couldn't decided if I liked the first one or this one the best. So, I left it at a tie. It was such an awesome day. Thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday and a special thank you to those wonderful people I spent it with. 

However, I am counting down the days until my 21st. Only 354 more days.

Below is a picture of my cake I adore. It is mouth-watering delicious. Perfection.