the little thingsthe little thingsthe little thingsthe little thingsthe little things

December 14, 2011

Holy Cow, I Am Done With Finals!

Above was me studying for finals for hours on end and into the wee hours of the night. As you can obviously see, I look ever so attractive and pick up loads of guys during finals week. These photos are procrastination at its finest (if only I posted the countless photos I took this night, you would get a kick out of them I'm sure). Finals always seem to get the best of me. I can always count on finals to induce the urge to pull my hair out and scream. This is usually how my intense (I use that word loosely) study sessions go: open up Pandora, fill out study guide, check Facebook and Twitter, drink coffee, blog, drink coffee, spill coffee on study guide, read over notes (which never make sense), fill out study guide until a question stumps me, tweet how much finals suck, drink coffee, blog about finals, study until everything begins to sound like gibberish, give up on studying, go to bed, but have difficulties falling asleep due to immense coffee intake. Yep, that sounds about right. That is my typical night of studying, or not so much studying. Don't judge me.

Well, now all of the stressing, worrying, late night study sessions, and procrastination is over! It all ended with me taking charge of that religion final and basically making it, for a lack of better words, my bitch. I so far have all As, except for my medieval literature class. I am hoping and praying I keep my B in there. I need to raise my GPA, because right now it is pretty pathetic due to last semester. As of right now, I am screaming and shouting with joy because it is now Christmas break. Whoooo! I cannot wait to go home and see my ever so lovely friends and family. They are the best.

I am amazed I made it through this week, to say the least. Thankfully it is all over and put behind me. Now it is time for some much needed rest and resuscitation, since I have practically been in a coma all week.
After my last exam. I am one happy girl.


  1. LOL, Congrats on completing all your finals!!!

    Just stopping by say hi and thank you soooo much for stopping by blog and your sweet comment!!
    Cute blog and of course I'm following you!!

    ♥ Priiincesss
