I have been contemplating on changing
my blog theme for awhile now, I just never really wanted to put in the effort
it takes to do a total blog make over. Since I work as a graphic designer, I
need small tasks that I can go to when that step away from what I'm working on moment comes. I need that time to focus and regroup. Well, as I stepped away from an
ongoing project, I didn’t know where to go and my brain was in a slump. I
figured I might try out some new blog designs. And that’s where this mustard
yellow and gray (or grey?) began. I have been smitten with mustard yellow
lately. I even ordered my new bedding for my apartment in a chevron, mustard
yellow pattern. I lurve it and I home you lurve it too!
Also, ah I forgot to mention! I have new pages. Whoo. There is one titled "Favorites," which is home to all of my favorite posts. Read them if you like. There is also "Portfolio." I figured since I was an art student I should probably have a section to showcase all of my work. Since the fall semester is coming up I figured it is a perfect time to include that to my overall layout.
There are some cool other new clickable stuff. Just look around.
Isn't yellow so bright and cheery? It makes me happy.
LOVE the new look!