I couldn't tell you the last Awkward & Awesome Thursday I posted. Actually, thinking about it, Thursday is a pretty awkward day all together. It kind of makes me mad...bring on the weekend already! Also, I just wanted to throw this out there in the open, but I only have one full week of school left. HOLY COW! I have only one week left, in other words, I am half way through my college career. Damn, it's been a good two years. I will save all the other mushy-ness for another post. I am too happy right now to be writing about sad stuff.
Cleaning out your room and realizing how empty it is with no photos on the walls.
Laundromats. Need I say more?
Having someone come up to you saying.."You were THAT girl from that party last year. I remember you!"..Oh great, I was that girl, once again.
When people tell you that your accent sounded very Kentucky just then. I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS PLACE! I refuse to get this Hey Ya'll, Kentucky accent.
Asking to help paint some stuff for a friends wedding..but not getting an invite. Some friend.
When people are over and Christmas songs keep playing back to back. (Sorry, I am not sorry. I love Christmas).
How I secretly love Kentucky.
Realizing one of the Best's not going to be home for the summer.
Being one of 10 Indiana University fans on a campus in a state of all University of Kentucky fans.
How hard I laugh, by myself, in my room, and my roommates come in and ask if I am okay. "Oh yea, no big deal I am just reading a blog."
When people are 20, going on 30 and ask me what my plans are for jobs and the future, "Uh, I am 20 and I wanna have fun and I have no clue where I am going in life", is how I always reply. I like it like that.
The weather today. It's absolutely stunning.
Getting lost in my work and loving the finishing outcome.
Dancing. It automatically puts me in a chipper mood.
Receiving those 3 words in a text from coach saying, "Practice is canceled." Hell ya!
Making Wednesday the new Saturday night. Who needs the weekends anyways?
Realizing you don't care about the rest of the semester. C's and D's get degrees, right?
Summer. With my best friend.
Kids coloring books.
Listening to new artist that sooth the soul.
My wonderful boyfriend. He know just what to say to turn my whole day around.
Being approved to live off campus next year. This is a HUGE deal to me!
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